Conjure Codex Issue 3

CONJURE CODEX arises from the cauldron of winter to both stimulate the waking mind and encourage its dreaming here on the cusp of Spring. The blue issue is full to bursting with insights and revelations, presenting us with sorceries and wisdom from a range of cultures and eras. As before the quality and quantity of material is of astonishing standard, so that some readers find it hard to believe there have only been two previous issues. With that, welcome to the third!

"This Blue Conjure Codex is by far my favorite of the three. Apart from the fantastic essays on Conjure by all the Hadean notables like Jake-Stratton Kent, Alexander Cummins, and Nicholaj de Mattos Fisvold, we have BOTH translators of books of St Cyprian, Humberto Maggi and José Leitão, here to give background on the Christian side of the art." -- Jason Miller, Strategic Sorcerer and author of The Sorcerer’s Secrets: Strategies in Practical Magick. (Read the full review here.)

Conjure Codex Issue 3 Multiple Authors. ISBN 978-1-907881-67-1 Paperback. 178 pages.

Table of Contents

Interpreting the Spirit Catalogues: The Long Text Group Jake Stratton-Kent

Dirt Sorcery: Rich Soils – Dirts of Jupiter Alexander Cummins

The Goetic Triangle: A New Look Manly X. Hammer

The Mysterious Waters of Olokun Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold

An Allegorical Interpretation of the Spirits of the Air of Thursday Darren Scriven

Faustus´s Good Friend: Being an Archaeology of Late Antiquity Magical Techniques obscurely found in Christian Apologetics Humberto Maggi

Unapologetically Catholic José Leitão

A Teacup Full of Dreaming: Thinning the Veil with Artemisia Vulgaris Madeleine le Despencer

Nahualism or Necromancy?: The Symbolic Universe of the Vision Serpent in Mesoamerican Cosmology Verónica Rivas


A Handbook of Stellar Magick by Cath Thompson


Four Spells to Bind Seven Fairies