Kuan Yin in the West (epub)


Kuan Yin in the West (epub)
Simon Bastian & David Cypher.
A Guide to the Underworld.
Published in November, 2014.
32 pages.

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Kuan Yin in the West is an historical and experiential study of the deity revered by both Buddhists and Taoists, and increasingly by Western esoteric practitioners, examining her cultural transition beyond the East through such paths as Marian mysticism and including a section on practical work with Kuan Yin. She is a vital living presence, and quite apart from her usual veneration as the ‘Goddess of Compasson’ has an important role to play in personal evolution, as a bridge between physical and transubstantial worlds, and as a guide through that great mystery of existence, Sorrow. Whatever faith or tradition you follow, Kuan Yin can be safely invoked regardless because she operates beyond division and duality.

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