Saint Expedite (epub)


Saint Expedite (epub)
Jamie Alexzander.
A Guide to the Underworld.
Published January, 2011.
16 pages.

This title is also available in print. 

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Expedite is one of a growing number of ‘folk saints’. A folk saint is one chosen by the people as opposed to those saints canonised by the Holy Roman church. Folk saints are not recognised by the Vatican but by the people who love them. While Expedite’s name does not appear on the General Roman Calendar, he is still recognised by the Church. This guide explains how to begin working with this unofficial saint of emergencies, businesses, shop keepers, examinees and anyone in need of a rapid solution. Call on Expedite with confidence, knowing he will provide those who petition him with exactly what they need, and remember, spreading his name about always wins his favour.

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