Official release of NAZARTH: Pillars of Gladness

Joyous! Today marks the official release of NAZARTH: Pillars of Gladness or, A Geomancers' Angelical Psalter of Calls, containing vessels 19 with which to water the Earth by Dr Alexander Cummins, historian, cunning-man, and consultant.

NAZARTH is a geomancer’s psalter of calls in the Angelical tongue – the language commonly called Enochian – for invoking and directing the virtues and spirits of the sixteen figures of European Renaissance geomancy. Its nineteen keys were received and wrought through a combination of spirit communications, dream incubation, ritual cut-up, and judicious co-editing alongside tutelary shades and attendant spirits.

Over at WitchLit Dr Cummins discusses ‘the academic and the practical in both writing and magic and how to make the academic practical’, while Southern Bramble: A Podcast of Crooked Ways also interviewed Dr. Al about his life as a cunning man, divination with geomancy, and NAZARTH itself.

This title is available to pre-order in a special hardcover edition only from Hadean Press, or in paperback from Hadean Press and other online sellers. We expect to take delivery of the hardcover edition in October at which point all pre-orders will ship. The paperback edition is availble now. Look for the hardcover to also appear at Watkins Books and Midian Books in due time. Always support them both when you can.

See the full table of contents below.

This new offering from Al Cummins and Hadean Press, titled Nazarth, is a series of poems centered around geomantic images, but extended in more practical, magical, and mystical directions. Dr. Cummins does this using the “Angelical speech” recorded by Dr. John Dee in 1583 during his experiments with angelic communication. Thus he celebrates traditional geomancy alongside the Enochian revelations, merging and transforming them in important ways. I believe his approach can help harness the unfamiliar to induce subconscious vigilance, allowing us to experience the Wondrous by countering our tendency to go into auto-pilot mode when surrounded by the familiar.
— Joseph H. Peterson

 NAZARTH: Pillars of Gladness

0.     On Angelical Geomancy
A gladdening welcome

I. Erm Iadnah – The Ark of Knowledge
A prayer for opening divination

II. Noromi Salbrox – Sons of Live Suphur
A prayer for working with the spirits and virtues of Puer

III. Drilpa Yarry – Great Providence
A prayer for working with the spirits and virtues of Fortuna Major

IV. Maasi Prge Aldi – Stored Fires of Gathering
A prayer for working with the spirits and virtues of Acquisitio

V. Abaivonin – Stooping Dragons
A prayer for working with the spirits and virtues of Cauda Draconis

VI. Iadnah Iadnahmad – Knowledge of Pure Knowledge
A prayer for working with the spirits and virtues of Albus

VII. Yarryvonin – Providence Dragons
A prayer for working with the spirits and virtues of Fortuna Minor

VIII. Ors Od Ohio – Darkness and Woe
A prayer for working with the spirits and virtues of Tristitia

IX. Pabs de Pabliar – Daughters of the Places of Comfort

A prayer for working with the spirits and virtues of Puella

X. Zna De Graa – Motion of the Moon
A prayer for working with the spirits and virtues of Via

XI. Graa Miam – Moon’s Continuance
A prayer for working with the spirits and virtues of Populus

XII. Drix Cnila – Cast Down Blood
A prayer for working with the spirits and virtues of Rubeus

XIII. Dorphal Iehusoz – Looking with Gladness Upon God’s Mercies

A prayer for working with the spirits and virtues of Laetitia

XIV. Comselh Bransg – Circle Guard
A prayer for working with the spirits and virtues of Carcer

XV. Sibsi Piamo – Covenant at the Balance of Righteousness

A prayer for working with the spirits and virtues of Conjunctio

XVI. Panpir Monons – Pouring Out the Heart

A prayer for working with the spirits and virtues of Amissio

XVII. Momao de Vonin – Crowns of the Dragon

A prayer for working with the spirits and virtues of Caput Draconis

XVIII. Micmax-Ulx-Quasbx – Beholding-Ending- Destroying

A three-part prayer for addressing halted shields

XIX. Oecrimi Gah Od Pir – To Sing Praises of the Spirits and Holy Ones

A prayer of gratitude for closing divination


Pre-orders now open for Orphic Hymns Grimoire


Pre-orders are now open for Nazarth: Pillars of Gladness or, A Geomancers' Angelical Psalter of Calls