Conjure Codex I (pdf)


Conjure Codex Volume 1 Issue 1
Full colour PDF.

ISBN 978-1-907881-01-5 (pb)
Published in November, 2011.
184 pages.

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This is in many ways a new kind of occult journal. In the most important sense of all, it is new in that it presents us – issue by issue – with a vision of magical practice across the globe. Most particularly magic in the original and perennially relevant sense, of conjuring spirits to achieve magical purposes. This primeval focus was often obscured and ignored in the under-informed and over-opinionated occult revival of Western magic (1875-1975), of which traces still remain. With the Conjure Codex it could be said to return, if it were not that in reality it never went away.

The journal breaks new ground also in presenting us with inter- related material from a range of traditions, embracing ancient cultures, the grimoires, New World traditions and others; by publishing new translations and rare texts alongside accounts of work in these traditions, and elucidations of them. Certainly it would be better had this ground been well-trodden before. Sadly it has been long neglected or pushed to the borders by obsession with other, lesser matters. In reparation for this past neglect here is no over-appreciation of Aleister Crowley or other fledgling pioneers – those who sought to sweep the old approaches under the carpet in a welter of egoism and ‘modern’ improvements; who alleged they had superseded the ancestral traditions of several continents before they ever examined them properly.

Instead we bring you core material, some of it of enduring and extensive influence, such as the Comte de Gabalis, whose importance few have suspected in the modern era. So too we invite contributions including new translations and analyses of operative systems of spirit magic from around the globe.


Old Wizard by Jake Stratton-Kent
The Paladins of Earth and Fire by Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold
The Tree of the Grimoires by Humberto Maggi
Modern Grimoiric Evocation by Michael Cecchetelli
The Comte de Gabalis by Abbé N. de Montfaucon de Villars, English trans. anon. with an introduction by Jake Stratton-Kent
The Great and True Natural Secret of the Queen of the Hairy Flies, trans. Brendan Hughes, with addenda by Jake Stratton-Kent
Language of the Birds by Humberto Maggi
Infernal Conjure Craft by Chad Barber
Lessons from Ginen by Drac Uber
An Interview with England’s Most Notorious Necromancer: Jake Stratton-Kent talks about his practices and beliefs
Nefarious Occult Dealings: Necromancy, Ghosts and Spirit Expeditions in the Graeco-Roman, Hoodoo and Vodou Magical Traditions by Kim Huggens

Cover art by Johnny Jakobsson.

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